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Small Business Support

A therapist gives a talk about mental health to a local small business

Promoting Mental Health Within Your Corporate Culture

To address mental health within your organization, Viewpoint offers Mental Health Assessments (MHA) where we interview your team members, obtain critical information, and then provide a confidential summary report to management. This MHA provides an unparalleled and unique Mental Health/Human Resource quality standard in today's business environment.

This business owner is happy that she's promoted mental health in her company culture.

Increased Mental Health Can Result In:

  • Increased productivity
  • Greater throughput, reduced error, increased innovation and collaboration
  • Increased health and wellness
  • Reduced anxiety, stress, depression, and sick time; Increased energy and overall vitality
  • Reduced burnout
  • Increased satisfaction with company goals and initiatives. Positive attitude. Less absenteeism. Better home life.

The Business Benefits of Improved Employee Mental Health

  • Higher retention and lower turnover
  • Increase brand loyalty
  • Increased productivity and engagement of employees
  • Increased sales and profitability
  • Increased quality and customer service
  • Reduced new hire training costs
  • Reduced medical expenses
  • Reduced spending on recruiters
  • Reduced critical errors
  • Increased continuity for succession, team and management planning
  • Reduced health and safety incidents in the workplace
Start your small business cultural journey towards valuing mental health today.

Ready to Take the
Next Steps?

Our compassionate therapists are here to help you understand the root causes of your pain or discomfort. Start on the path to a happy mindset and a life filled with wellness. Fill out our contact form here to begin.

Start Your Journey

Do You Have Questions
About Insurance?

Your financial situation shouldn’t be a barrier to you living a happier life. We accept a wide range of insurance plans and offer sliding scale rates to make sure you can get the treatment you need.

Learn More About Payment Options