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Testing and Assessments in Commerce & West Bloomfield

A therapist sits with a patient through a psychological assessment by Viewpoint Psychology & Wellness

Assessment and Testing

Viewpoint Psychology & Wellness specializes in testing and assessments designed to identify cognitive, emotional, and behavioral issues.

We specialize in administering testing and assessments to children, adolescents, and adults. Patients are often referred to us for an assessment by parents, schools, employers, physicians, or therapists. An assessment examines the relationships between an individual's behaviors, academic or work abilities, cognitive functioning, and emotional functioning.

An example of some psychological testing by Viewpoint Psychology & Wellness

How Can Testing Help?

Assessments & testing can be greatly beneficial to treatment because standardized questionnaires, computer-based instruments, and interactive tests can help identify an individual's diagnosis. The results of the assessment are then used to indicate the best treatment options available for the individual, as well as determine if interventions or accommodations are necessary in academic or work environments. Testing is effective at improving the way in which a provider such as a teacher, therapist, or physician proceeds with an individual. Our providers are trained in recognizing when testing will be useful, as well as the type and level of testing required.

Child Evaluation for ADHD and/or Specific Learning Disorder*

(Children in Kindergarten -- 12th grade)

1 hour background interview with client/parents


3-5 hours administration of neuropsychological tests


3-5 hours of scoring


1 hour feedback session to review report




*Includes testing for ADHD Predominantly Inattentive Presentation (formerly ADD), Predominantly Hyperactive/Impulsive Presentation, and Combined Presentation; Specific Learning Disorder with Impairment in Reading, Mathematics, or Writing (formerly known as Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, or Dysgraphia).

**Any additional hours of neuropsychological testing, scoring, or consultation will be billed at $120/hour, client will be informed as possible that additional hours will be required.

Child Evaluation of intellectual functioning or language*

(Children Ages 3 -- 18)

1 hour background interview with client/parents


3-4 hours administration of neuropsychological tests


3-4 hours of scoring


1 hour feedback session to review report




*Includes testing for Intellectual disability, giftedness, or Language Disorder (formerly referred to as expressive or receptive language disorder)

**Any additional hours of neuropsychological testing or consultation will be billed at $120/hour, client will be informed as possible that additional hours will be required.

***If Patient Has Insurance, the Insurance will be billed. Pricing is reflective of denied claims or private pay

Adult Evaluation for ADHD

(Ages 18+, post high school)

1 hour background interview with client/parents


3-4 hours administration of neuropsychological tests


3-4 hours of scoring


1 hour feedback session to review report




*Any additional hours of neuropsychological testing or consultation will be billed at $120/hour, client will be informed as possible that additional hours will be required.

**If Patient Has Insurance, the Insurance will be billed. Pricing is reflective of denied claims or private pay

Autism Spectrum Disorder Testing

Testing for Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) is available at Viewpoint Psychology for children and adults. You might consider an evaluation for an Autism Spectrum Disorder if you or your child is experiencing language or communication deficits, difficulties with socializing or relationships, repetitive behaviors, difficulties with change, narrowed interests, and/or sensory concerns. We are able to offer testing for Autism Spectrum Disorder to individuals over 12 months old. We are currently able to offer comprehensive testing for Autism Spectrum Disorder that includes assessment of intellectual functioning to individuals ages 2 and older who are able to speak in sentences.

Approximate Hours Required

ASD Testing only for those 2.5 years old

6-7 hr

(Includes ASD tests)

ASD Testing for those 2.5 years old

9-11 hr

(Includes ASD tests plus IQ Testing, Language Screening)

ADHD Testing 5 years old

8-12 hr

(Includes ADHD tests, IQ Testing, Academic Achievement Testing)

ADHD + ASD Testing

11-15 hr

(Includes ASD Tests, ADHD tests, IQ Testing, Academic Achievement Testing)

Frequently Asked Questions about Psychological Testing

Why someone would need/want this test/assessment?

Children may be referred for testing when they are having difficulty at home or school. Sometimes they may be showing disruptive behaviors in the classroom such as getting out of their seats, talking to their peers, or showing impulsive behaviors. They may also be having trouble paying attention to the teachers or completing assignments. When they do try to complete schoolwork, they may struggle with reading, writing, or math. This can sometimes be reflected in poor academic performance. Children may also be having trouble with listening to others and may not follow through when asked to do something at home or school. They may be struggling socially with their peers or with getting along with others in the home. They may be having difficulty communicating effectively with others.

Adults may seek out testing when they are struggling with completing the necessary tasks for maintaining the home, caring for themselves and others, and/or completing school or work-related tasks. They may find themselves easily distracted, have difficulty keeping organized, and have trouble getting started or following through on tasks. They may have trouble listening to others and keeping track of social relationships.

What are we looking for when testing?

When testing both children and adults, we are looking at cognitive functioning, memory, language and communication, academic functioning, executive functioning, attention, behavior, and/or emotions. We will perform testing in these areas to determine areas of strength and weakness and if a diagnosis (e.g., ADHD, Language Disorder, Specific Learning Disorder) is appropriate for helping direct treatment.

How can this be beneficial?

Once areas of strength and weakness are determined, recommendations will be given for addressing any areas where the individual needs support. These may include receiving accommodations through school, guidance for therapeutic goals, medication management, supportive therapies (e.g., speech therapy, physical therapy, occupational therapy), and accessing community resources to help the individual thrive.

What are Common Reasons People Undergo Psychological Testing?

Cognitive Assessments

Cognitive assessments are utilized as a way to determine intellectual ability, academic or work skills, behaviors, and cognitive functioning. The results of the testing may help in determining a diagnosis and appropriate treatment of developmental, educational, occupational, medical, psychiatric, and cognitive concerns.

Referrals are commonly made for the following:

  • Attention-Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder
  • Educational Accommodations
  • Job Accommodations
  • Specific Learning Disorders (with Impairment in Reading, Writing, or Math)
  • Complex Medical Conditions
  • Language and Communication Disorders

Emotional and Behavioral Assessments

Parents, teachers, employers, or other health care professionals request emotional and behavioral assessments when a child, adolescent, or adult is struggling in school, at work, at home, or in peer and significant relationships. Emotional and behavioral assessments are also requested by therapists when starting a treatment or if they have a question about the individual regarding diagnosis or treatment planning. Emotional and behavioral assessments are also part of our comprehensive neuropsychological evaluations.

Referrals are commonly made for the following:

  • Mood Disorders
  • Anxiety
  • Interpersonal Difficulties
  • Behavioral Problems
  • Trauma
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